Sporty Sunday!

We’ve had a lovely day. I picked up a badminton set from Aldi a few weeks ago so we set that up and had a family game! I think I need to invest in some decent shuttlecocks though as they are a bit cheap and nasty so go a bit wonky all the time.

I then decided to take the kids for a walk and explore in a direction we hadn’t been before along the sea front. Louis took his scooter and Josh his ripstick. You can just about see Josh’s head rounding the corner in the distance!

This is a view of Kiama’s little harbour – so gorgeous. The famous blow hole and old lighthouse is on the far side of the hill.

When we got to the end of the path we discovered a rock / ocean pool that I didn’t know was there. They wanted to go in and as summer is coming to an end I decided to let them! As you can see from Josh’s face it was a bit nippy so they didn’t stay in too long!

Ahhh lovely end of summer days, not too hot so you feel like getting out and about!

I hope you have all had lovely weekends too xx