Graduated as a Midwife!

It has been the longest toughest 5 years of my life in so many ways getting though my Registered Nursing and backing straight up into my midwifery but so so so worth it! I am so thrilled to be a midwife and love sharing the most amazing part of so many womens lives. I feel so blessed to get paid to be a part of it all that already the pain of getting to where I am is starting to fade! A couple of weeks ago we finally had our graduation ceremony which was a great thrill! Here are a couple of pics of the day, first me receiving my Masters of Science in Midwifery – with distinction!

And here is one of mum and I after:

Growing a baby!

We are so excited to have a new baby boy on the way! I’ve been reveling in being pregnant and even with some issues I’m just loving it and trying to enjoy every step of the way as this will be my last one! I never recorded my bumps the last times so this time I am taking photos at (fairly) regular intervals!




I don’t think I’ve grown much in the last 5 weeks, although looking at the pic I’ve probably got a bit smaller on my hips (still pre-pregnancy weight due to strict gestational diabetic diet and plenty of fat to play with  :giggle: )