Our village has a very tiny market every Monday morning, there is always a butcher, a cheese man and some veggie sellers, a lady with her sewing machine to do repairs, a plant lady and usually one or more extra sellers (for example yesterday was a mattress seller). A couple of weeks ago there was a lady selling fantastic organic produce – turns out she’s Australian – small world! My trip yesterday reminded me that I’d taken some photos of my purchases a few weeks ago. During the summer there was more of a turn out of sellers, I had one particularly lovely trip with a big basket full of yumminess!
There was a local guy doing gorgeous artisinal made patés, fois gras and other little jars of delight! He usually has a shop in another town but trys to get to our market during the summer. I got a little pot of paté with fine herbs in it, I still haven’t eaten it, I think I’ll wait for my mother in law to enjoy it with me!
I thought I’d finished my purchases until I spotted a lady with a tiny table covered with some jars of jam and scrummy looking blueberries. They were the last pick of the season so I had to get them and they were just gorgeous! The jam has been opened this week and is amazing too.
Of course there was then the veggies which I try to buy from the market each week instead of the supermarket. I don’t make it every single week but I’m finding the need to go to the supermarket less and less, I get my bread (the bread in this area is incredible!) and often cheese at the local shop and veggies from the market and now that we are trying not to eat much meat it is often all we need!
Aren’t the colours just amazing! The Perigord (the Dordogne’s other name) is very famous for it’s strawberries, and rightly so, they are small and intensely flavoured, really incredible.
It makes me really envious. I think it is now well the longest time in my adult life that I have not been to France and really miss it. Keep the news coming. Loads of love. Dad xxxxx
Awwww Dad, as you know we have kept a downstairs room as an office and guestroom so you don’t need to do stairs so hoping that your health will soon allow you to visit us, perhaps in the spring? xx
Fabulous!! You will be pleased to know that I have been taking myself off to French classes for the past term in anticipation of our trip next year…very excited. I realise that it will probably not get me very far, but hey, I am loving it all the same. Lots of love to you and your gorgeous boys xxx
How exciting that you are really planning a trip and great idea to do classes! Seriously even having a few words will make such a difference to you trip, recent friends from Oz that visited really struggled with things like the petrol pumps instructions and asking for drinks etc not having any French. Being able to ask for things and perhaps read instructions and things will really help! When are you coming? I hope you will be able to come and stay with us!
We are coming in June – a week in Paris, then heading Nth to see memorials etc, then sth. Making our way toward Nantes (want to take the boys to Le Machines de lile)through Brittany and then toward Cascassonne. So yes, want to check out the caves & paintings etc – and hunt out the tour where you can go on the boat through the river caves…I don’t think 3 weeks will be enough. You are already on the list gorgeous girl 😉 After that we are heading to the UK – a week or so in Scotland, then down to England. Perhaps some time in Ireland. Still at planning – having to try and pin Jim down so we can book flights which I want to do in the next couple of weeks. Super exciting!! Of course, if I was a good student I would have written this all in French! lol….I’ve got some practising to do! Lots of love xxx
Oh, so I forgot to say – I want to be out of France before school holidays yours & the US – which I think next year is about the 4th July? xxx
I’ll check the exact French school holiday dates for you, but usually the first few days of July. Sounds like a fabulous trip. Email me your number and I’ll give you a call if you like re flights and everything (remember I used to be a travel agent!). Will be amazing to see you guys 🙂